The discouraging voices I often heard from my friends in school kept on ringing in my ears and at a point I was bound to succumb and start agreeing with them.

But something within me was restless and I kept on shutting it down anytime I felt its presence, but the day this restless spirit would manifest was the day I received an unexpected word from my best friend publicly which made me ruminate and make me unleash some hidden potentials I never knew I had.


It was toward the end of the second semester, we had just consumed a bowl of eba and egusi soup, the room was becoming unbearable and getting hotter; since there was no light we had to join the other students outside to receive the natural cool breeze.

Everyone was gisting, singing while some were making merriment. I was just jejely sitting down beside the edge of the pillar scrolling through my phone. Then all of a sudden my friend called me. Micheal!


"I'm leaving next tomorrow, you had better go home tomorrow or else you would be starved and die of hunger, and when I come back I go call your parent and make them kon carry you before you start to dey smell," he said.


There was silence everywhere after he spoke and I was shocked. All of a sudden laughter filled the air, and my eyes were red like that of a chain smoker, it pained me and went into my marrows circulating my system. I managed to smile as I walked briskly Into the room.


Although he has been helping me physically and financially these words are too heavy for me to swallow I said bitterly. The restless spirit in me came up and I surrendered because I was devastated. Ideas kept on popping into my mind and that was how I discovered my potential.


I read books, and sources for information, attended online training,  and excused myself from unnecessary talks without informing anyone about the new me. They saw the changes but I tamed my tongue until I attained clarity from the information and training I attended. Within a few months of discovering my potential, I have been able to rent an apartment, impact lives, make money and purchase some valuable items I needed without the help of my parent or friends. To cut the long story short, that was how I became a person of value within and outside those who had mocked me.


Every drop in the ocean counts and I would never forget my friend who has helped me sail through troubled waters for he deserves my gratitude.

Thank you for talking sense into my head when I had none, your sensitive harsh words transported back my sense.


PS: Strive to know why you are on this planet, it's ideal for you to think, don't just depend on your parent or other people's wealth to survive.

They are not God they are man, you can be made a mockery of them at any time!


Story Category: Fiction

A story by Bigmike✍️

Photo credit: 📷 Chikaonnu