
In a devastating incident, a student of Federal Polytechnics, Ilaro in Ogun State which is an Electrical Engineering student of ND 2 full-time (200 level) named Adegoke Samuel (Late) has been reported to have taken his own life. It is with profound regret that we deliver this heartbreaking news to you on behalf of the student union. The unfortunate event occurred last night when the student ingested a poisonous substance.


According to FpiUpdates reporter, the Student was seen rushed to the school Clinic and was later transferred to Hosanna Hospital where he later give up at around 3:00AM.


The student had utilized both his own school fee and that of his roommate to engage in sports betting. The misuse of funds for gambling purposes has raised concerns within the community. Notably, the student's departure was discovered this morning.


As an update on the situation, a group of individuals including his roommate recently visited the student's residence, where they came across the poison, known as "snipper." In an effort to verify its origin, they proceeded to the vendor where the substance was purchased. According to the vendor, the student had claimed that it was intended for killing ants.


However, amidst this tragedy, it is worth mentioning the compassionate leadership within our institution. Our rector, known for his kindness, has instructed the examination chairman to allow the deceased student's friend to sit for the upcoming exams. Furthermore, both the student union and the school administration have pledged to assist the friend by covering his school fees during this difficult time.


The deceased has been promised by his parents to further his education abroad after the completion of his ND Program.


He has later been buried today.


Advice to everyone, no matter what you're going through, kindly speak please.

And if you are told about somebody's issue, please don't let us if ignore it, let's try our best to help each other not untill it turns to sad story.


Our condolences to Late Samuel Adegoke family and friends also his course mates.